Do You Know Why Stevia Have No Calories And So Tasty
Introduction Of Do You Know Why Stevia Have No Calories And So Tasty
Do You Know Why Stevia Have No Calories And So Tasty. TVN has gotten popular with the rise of low sugar diets or low carb diets in general I mean it seems like a win-win you get the sugary sweetness without the rise in blood glucose that typically goes along with sugar but have you ever actually thought about why it is that you can taste something sweet but not have the corresponding energy or calories or glucose that goes along with it and does this mean it does help with your weight loss school I’m diving into the details of how stevia can taste sweet but not have the energy that goes along with it and whether or not it’s a great tool for your weight loss goals in today’s article.
That’s where this all really begins and your tongue is probably a lot more complex than you realize I mean we all know that it’s because of the tongue that we taste things like sweet and sour but the way that it works explains why it is that stevia can taste sweet without having the corresponding energy or calories to go along with it your taste buds are covered with receptors and each of these receptors covers a different taste do you have receptors that will signal first sweetness or for salary but also those same taste buds that detect sweetness cannot detect sour so those receptors are really highly specific and they can only detect.
What it is that they’re looking for and these are scepters work by having a really specific almost like a lock and key mechanism the receptor is the lock and the food itself or the food molecule whether it’s sweetness or sour or whatever other taste is the key so think of this as like the square peg round hole example if we were to say that the sweet receptor is the square hole then the round peg of the sour food is not going to trigger that sweet receptor but it will be able to fit into that receptor of the sour instead this is something very common that you’ll see throughout the entire body on the higher body differentiates between different molecules and enzymes and compounds it uses this process of figuring out the actual shape and size of a molecule to determine its function now once that taste bud has been activated.
So like let’s say you ate something sweet you get the sweet receptor that has been active it sends up a message to your brain to tell your brain that it’s eating something sweet and this is a really important thing to remember because it lets your brain know that ok I’ve eaten something sweet I need to prepare the body to break it down absorb it and use it as fuel and that’s going to be something really important to remember especially in terms of weight loss so make sure you remember that part, as we continue now something kind of crazy to wrap your head around, is that it’s not your tongue that’s tasting the sweetness it’s your brains registering that you’ve eaten something sweet but tells your body that you experience the flavor of sweetness but it all happened so instantaneously with that trigger.
That you don’t even notice the difference there’s a really interesting study that was done with mice where they took mice and they just eat them regular old unsweetened water but then they stimulated their brain in the areas that are associated with tasting sweetness when they were drinking that water that was unsweetened and they found that mice experience the sweet flavor even though they weren’t drinking anything sweet this demonstrates how it’s not our tongue that tastes something that experience is the sweetness or the sour it’s our brain and it’s not that we’ve even really developed taste buds and having this corresponding relationship with our brain to determine if something safe to eat I mean think about it have you ever bitten into something that’s gone a little bit past.
Its expiration date and realized it as soon as you tasted it that’s the whole mechanism that your brain is trying to protect you from is eating foods that are dangerous ok now let’s take a look specifically at stevia because this is where things get interesting especially in terms of weight loss the purified form of stevia is essentially calorie-free the sweet flavor that you’re experiencing is from something within the stevia itself that’s called glycosides these glyco sites trigger that sweet receptor on your tongue and tell your brain that you’ve experienced something sweet and remember the brain can’t experience something sweet even if it’s not eating something that’s going to provide those sweet calories just as what we saw with the mice who had the water and then triggered those areas in their brain.
That registered for sweetness now let’s circle back to those like. oh, sites which are the things that are within stevia that tell your brain that you’ve experienced something sweet although the glycoside means is that it’s essentially a type of sugar that has something attached to it via a glycosidic bond typically if we can break this like acidic bond and free up that sugar then that means that we can use it as a fuel source this is what naturally when we break down different carbohydrates within our body like lactose or sucrose we break that glycosidic bond and then we’re able to free up those sugars and use it as an energy source but for stevia even though we’ve triggered that sweet sensation we don’t have the enzyme that can break down that glycosidic bond and use it as an energy source that means stevia never enters our blood supply it stays in our small intestine.
It then passes through our colon and exits our body via the restroom but although stevia never enters our blood supply the way that glucose or other sugars do it doesn’t mean that stevia has zero effect on our blood supply weirdly it’s been found that these same taste receptors that are on your tongue are also found in your intestines that triggers your body to then release the enzymes that are needed to break down that food so when stevia enters your small intestine it then triggers the same receptors which make their body think that sugar is about to enter the blood supply it because that sweet receptor has been triggered so your body prepares itself for being able to absorb those sugars and to store those sugars by increasing the storing hormone insulin it has been found that stevia.
Can trigger the release of insulin even though the blood glucose was never raised as a result of stevia and because insulin is such an important factor when it comes to weight gain and weight loss and bringing that insulin level down makes it so your body can tap and fat burning and achieve a weight-loss goal this concept of the calorie-free or non-nutritive sweeteners has left a lot of researchers wondering if stevia or other non-nutritive sweeteners are a good tool for weight loss because regardless of the lack of energy.
That stevia provides it still triggers that hormone fat-storing hormone insulin now it’s important to note that not all studies are completely conclusive on this there does seem to be some bio-individuality here where some people purse pond to stevia with producing insulin where others don’t and so there have been a mixed bag results of stevia and whether or not it does increase your insulin so because of this really could come down to the individual and your response to stevia.
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